
Art. nr. 512001-13

Farbe: Black|Matt Black

Upgrade your style game with these fashion-forward sunglasses. Whether you are walking the city streets, attending a music festival, or lounging by the pool, these sunglasses will elevate your look and set you apart as a trendsetter. But it is not all about style - we prioritize your eye health too. Our sunglasses feature lenses that provide 100% UV protection, shielding your eyes from harmful ray of the sun. Do not worry about long term damage caused by sun exposure, these sunglasses will let you enjoy the sun in style, knowing that your eyes are well protected. 

Upgrade your style game with these fashion-forward sunglasses. Whether you are walking the city streets, attending a music festival, or lounging by the pool, these sunglasses will elevate your look and set you apart as a trendsetter. But it is not all about style - we prioritize your eye health too. Our sunglasses feature lenses that provide 100% UV protection, shielding your eyes from harmful ray of the sun. Do not worry about long term damage caused by sun exposure, these sunglasses will let you enjoy the sun in style, knowing that your eyes are well protected. 


BLENDFREIE SICHT Polarisierte Sonnenbrillen verhindern, dass du durch Sonnenstrahlen, die von der Straße, dem Wasser, Schnee oder anderen glänzenden Oberflächen reflektiert werden, geblendet wirst und sorgen für ein klares und blendfreies Sehen. 100%

UV-SCHUTZ Polarisierende Sonnenbrillen erfüllen einen wichtigen Zweck: Sie schützen die Augen vor den unsichtbaren und schädlichen UV-Strahlen, die von der Sonne ausgehen.

VERRINGERTE AUGENMÜDIGKEIT. Blendendes Licht trägt zur Überanstrengung der Augen bei. Der Polarisationsfilter reduziert wirksam Ermüdungserscheinungen der Augen wie Kopfschmerzen und müde Augen.

VERSTÄRKTE KONTRASTE Helle Oberflächen heben sich von dunkleren Hintergründen ab und geben dir eine detailliertere Sicht.

VERBESSERTE FARBWAHRNEHMUNG. Der Polarisationsfilter reduziert Reflexionen von anderen Oberflächen wie Laub und lässt deren Farben intensiver wirken.

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Vielen Dank!

Makes it all look good!



Bliz Polarized Sunglasses takes eyewear to a whole new dimension.
Appearance is no longer just about how you look. What and how you perceive things
around you has changed. Bliz Polarized Sunglasses is developed and designed to
block annoying and harmful sunlight reflected from water, snow and other shiny surfaces.
Ideal when you are on the ocean, driving or doing sports.
All our sunglasses has lenses with filter category 3.

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